La Torretta boasts a long winemaking tradition and has belonged to Riccardo Magno’s family for generations. In compliance with the local uses, we make the wine in an ancient cave dug by hand in the tuff: the wine barrels are kept in its ramifications, protected from excessive thermal oscillations. Like others in the Castelli area, the cave was probably excavated during the construction of the antique cistern (100 A.C.) which serves as foundation of La Torretta country house. Digging in the tuff, flints and pozzolana were found that were used to build the cistern, a material used to make the cisterns waterproof (Roman mortar).

Discover our wines and further information about the cellar on the dedicated page.


Winemaking philosophy

At Torretta the vinification starts with strong natural principles. The first is the maturity and health of the bunches and berries, only in this way it is possible to let the spontaneous fermentations start. This fundamental step can lead to a little anxiety, however the selection we make in the vineyard is so rigorous as to limit the slightest problems in transforming the must into wine. Furthermore, in the last harvests we have applied a different method, we pass through the rows in several stages to pick the ripe bunches and give the others more time to get ready. It is a risky choice, given that the rain can dilute a large part of the harvest, nevertheless it is a discipline, either we deal with it like this or, for us, it makes no sense to produce. In return we receive the satisfaction of feeling our wines alive and able to mature in terracotta as in chestnut wood, not to mention the refinement that gratifies the complexity of each product.
From a purely technical point of view, we do not apply fixed rules but we continue to experiment: we love fermentation with maceration on the skins, we try longer and shorter times, we have a lot to learn, even on the choice of grape varieties suitable for receiving a certain treatment. We practice the vinification with soft pressing, sometimes we combine it with the use of whole bunches. We consider this phase of our career as producers a learning path, we want to understand how to adapt choices to different vintages. We are sustained by the definitive love for this work, the only approach we know and which gives us intuition, a desire to study and an ever new sensitivity.

Our wines

We can’t produce many bottles on our three hectares, nevertheless we love to fully explore the characteristics of the vineyards, starting with their age, the different varieties planted and the cultivation system. Taste guides us and, when we are convinced of our specialties, we are able to satisfy our customers in the best possible way.
Bolle di Grotta, based on Trebbiano and obtained with natural refermentation in the bottle.
Torretta vinified in cement and amphorae with Malvasie and Trebbiano grapes grown on the pergola.
Castagna vinified in local chestnut barrels with Malvasie and Trebbiano simple curtain-trained grapes from the company’s oldest vineyard.
Malvasia our wine macerated on the skins of Malvasia Puntinata.
Visit this page to find out where to find our wines.

Vitigno; Malvasie e trebbiano
Vigneto; età 60 anni, coltivato a cortina semplice 3000 ceppi/ettaro, esposto a sudovest.
Terreno; vulcanico di tufo di Valle Marciana
Altitudine; 300 slm
Vendemmia; a mano nelle cassette
Vinificato/maturato; in botte di castagno locale per 15 mesi e in bottiglia per tre mesi.

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Vitigno; Trebbiano
Vigneto; eta' 40 anni, coltivato a pergola 3000 ceppi/ettaro, esposto a sud-ovest
Terreno; vulcanico di di tufo di Valle Marciana
Altudine; 300 slm
Vendemmia; a mano nelle cassette
Vinificato/maturato; in anfore per 6 mesi e rifermentato in bottiglia per tre mesi con solo mosto della stessa vendemmia.

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Vitigno; Malvasie e Trebbiano
Terreno; vulcanico di tufo di Valle Marciana
Altitudine; 300 slm
Vendemmia; a mano nelle cassettw
Vinificato/maturato; in anfore e cemento per 12 mesi e in bottiglia per 3 mesi.

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Vitigno; Malvasia puntinata
Vigneto; eta' 30 anni, coltivato a cortina semplice 3000 ceppi/ettaro, esposto sudovest.
Terreno; vulcanico di tufo di Valle Marciana
Altitudine; 300 slm
Vendemmia; a mano delle cassette
Vinificato/maturato; in anfore interrate, macerato per sei mesi sulle bucce, affinato un anno in anfora e in bottiglia per sei mesi.

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